Friday, January 18, 2013

Wednesday at Gennis Music Bar..

Wednesday was Urban Harvy back at Gennis Music Bar in Second Norway. He has a fantastic repertoire. Urban knows how to use his great voice, and you can really hear how he sings deep from his warm and good heart. Yes, he is a man with a big good heart. A great friend and singer!
I was lucky to have another great friend with me that Wednesday. Del was able to join me and I am so glad she had a good time listening to Urban. Glad to see that you can relax a little and not only work, Del! :-) *Maybe not the right person to say that though, but I do say it anyway hehehe* Big hugs to both of my dear friends, Urban and Del! Take care...both of you! :-)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Closing down....

The last week after new years eve has been crazy, but now I just took the time to get in here. I need to get this post out as soon as possible  Yeah, my favorite parks are closing down. But's not closing forever :-) No, Truck and Ty just need some time off and they both really deserve that! They work hard over at Calas Galadhon and doing a great job to make us all feel good and have a great time when we are visiting. 11 sims...oh my it really is a lot of work to keep them all going.
Calas Galadhon will be closed January 2013 but will reopen February 1st. We all looking forward to that. It will be fun to come back in February and the following months to see what they have for ideas over there. I am glad I was able to visit again this winter before they closed. Lovely as ever! Will we see any changes this spring except for that the snow will be gone? If so, what? I can't wait to visit my favorite place again in a month. I am really exited! :-)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Another year has gone and another has just begun. Not much from my RL will be written in here, just a little from time to time. The last day of 2012 was not so bad. Started with a nice dinner with my son, his girlfriend (gf) and my parents. After dinner took my son his guitar, guitar amp and his gf to visit old school friends. Was party time for the young ones :-) My parents and I just relaxed by the TV until the fireworks started. When the fireworks was over it was time to go home and check what was going on in my SL. I got dressed and started to look at some invitations that was in my mailbox.
I noticed that there was a lot going on over at Urban's Entertainments so I ordered a cab and left home..